A loan helped to buy shoe shine boxes with seats.

Maria Victoria's story

This is María, age 39. She is a woman from the indigenous ethnic group of Ecuador. She is divorced and lives only with her youngest daughter, who completed high school. Her other children emigrated to the United States, because she was not able to provide an education for all of them. Her eyes fill with tears thinking about her children and remembering everything they had to suffer.

María has been shining shoes for 20 years. Her good service has permitted her to have loyal customers. Her objective is to improve her service, and so she seeks a loan to buy shoe shine boxes with seats.

María hopes that the economic situation in the country will improve, so that people will make more use of her service, so that she can improve family finances. Her great desire is that her children will return and that they all will be able to be together.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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