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Cindy’s Baptism by Onions

February 26, 2011

It was dark outside, and I was starting to worry. Then, I heard a soft
knock at my apartment door, I ran to open it, and there stood
Cindy, hair a mess, covered in dust, and holding a large bag of onions.

Cindy started working at MiCredito , a new Kiva field partner in Nicaragua, the day after I arrived as their Kiva Fellow. She was hired to be the Kiva
Coordinator. Before signing on, Cindy kept the books at a bakery in
the big city of Managua, so her first field experience was something of an

We had traveled three hours north from Managua to Esteli together, to spend a few weeks training the staff at this branch office. This region of Nicaragua is all about farming and ranching, so, I suggested during the first week, that she accompany one of the credit officers, Freddy, on a client visit– for
the experience.

Turns out the client, Cruz Absalon, is an onion farmer, who lives in
another town called Jinotega, a one and a half hour trek on motor bike.
Along the way, Freddy the credit officer, was kind enough to point out sights like dead snakes and such to Cindy.

As they neared their destination, Freddy and Cindy had to abandon the motor bike, and start walking. They crossed a stream, and climbed over rocks, that soon became boulders, until finally, they reached the home of Cruz Absalon, where he lives with his wife and four-year old daughter. Their house has no electricity, and they get their water from a well.

While there, Cindy photographed and interviewed Cruz Absalon for his Kiva update, and was rewarded for her effort with ten pounds of onions.

Way to go, Cindy! Reaching out to clients, AND feeding everyone back at the office at the same time!

Later that week, Cruz Absalon and his family came to the MiCredito Esteli office to apply for his second loan, and Cindy was able to present him with a colored-copy of his on-line Kiva profile from his first loan.

To support Cindy and MiCredito, please join her Lending Team: Amigos de MiCredito

Check out all MiCredito borrowers on Kiva! Cindy will be uploading new borrower profiles next week, including one for Cruz Absalon’s second loan on the Kiva website!

-Karen Gray, Kiva Fellow 14, in Nicaragua