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Through the lens of Fondo Esperanza

September 2, 2010

By Lorena Gil, KF12, Fondo Esperanza – Chile

Each year Fondo Esperanza (FE) conducts a month long campaign (July 15th – August 15th) geared to attracting more socias (borrowers/entrepreneurs) and reaffirming FE’s presence in needy communities. I arrived to Fondo Esperanza in the middle of the campaign and enjoyed being part of these activities.

I was also able to see how FE markets itself to the public. I was quite surprised when I arrived and turned on the television and saw a commercial of FE, how often do you see a commercial of an MFI(microfinance institution)? The commercial only runs during the campaign month, but FE works with radio stations year round.

I wanted to share these videos with you. FE also has a lot of borrower videos on YouTube. The content on those is quite long, but if you know Spanish I suggest you take some time to view these as the stories are quite uplifting (short list of these provided below).
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Fondo Esperanza Campaign Video 2010'

My mother was able to open a business with a loan from Fondo Esperanza. The business has ample room for her to stock and make sales. My sister takes care of the accounting and the business helps pay for her studies. When I grow up I also want to be an Entrepreneur.

Fondo Esperanza supports entrepreneurship, because when a woman becomes an entrepreneur a family livelihood improves.

Fondo Esperanza – De Un Chocolate a una Chocolatería'

Something was missing from Mrs. Anna’s magic recipe. She went to a Fondo Esperanza, where getting a solidarity credit could help her. Her recipe became a reality and the next day, her chocolate shop opened for business.

For Anna to make a difference–from her grandmother’s chocolate recipe to become her chocolate shop, we need your help

Fondo Esperanza Campaign Video 2008

What does IT have to do with Empanadas? This is Pedro and he decided today that he wants to pursue an informational degree. And to do this his mother has to wake up at 5:30 in the morning and prepare sixty empanadas, along with her street cart she sells these every day.

Pedro has all the time to study but she needs more time to make the empanadas. Fondo Esperanza provides credit and entrepreneurship training to women who strive to make their projects a reality. When a woman becomes an entrepreneur a family livelihood improves.

Fondo Esperanza Campaign Video 2007

With a bit of flour Ms. Anina made 20 loaves of bread that she sold at a construction site close to her house. In the coming days she kept making her 20 loaves of bread and sold them all. With those earnings she was able to buy a tricycle so that her neighbor could deliver the bread at various locations.

They opened a small bread shop where they also sell eggs and jams. Now that they sell more than 500 loaves of bread a day she can pay for her daughter’s studies. Ms. Anina realized that with a bit of flour you can make more than just bread.

A few of FE borrower videos:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh1IvJcWNSU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eblAt-YrgQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELwgwn0i3Nk

Join the Kiva Lending Team: Fondo Esperanza! Support an FE borrower today!

Fondo Esperanza (FE) is currently the largest Chilean microfinance organization and is proudly Kiva’s first microfinance partner in Chile! To view & read the bios of all the loans Fondo Esperanza has uploaded to Kiva to date, click here!