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We hit $1M in loans for women for International Women's Day! But we're not done yet...

March 6, 2016

Share this image and tag 5 friends to invite them to lend on Kiva for International Women's Day:

Thanks to your enthusiasm and support, we just hit our $1 million goal for International Women's Day! But we still have until midnight on March 8 to make an even bigger impact for women entrepreneurs around the world, so we're announcing a stretch goal of $2 million!

We need your help to hit this goal, but this time we're not asking you to lend. We're asking current Kiva lenders to help us launch #KivaRecruit by sharing this image and tagging up to ten friends (on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram) whom you think will take the #PledgeForParity and join our #IWD2016 movement to support women entrepreneurs! Be sure to include the #KivaRecruit hashtag with your post, as well as this link: kiva.org/her.

Thanks for being part of #TeamKiva! Together, we can make a difference for women around the world!