Ibdaa Microfinance SAL
Serving Vulnerable Refugee Communities
Who are they?
Ibdaa Microfinance SAL aims to improve the unemployment rate of Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon by providing loans to entrepreneurs in these communities. The organization puts a special emphasis on youth entrepreneurs, and ensures that each young borrower is matched with a mentor to provide business development services and insight.
You'll love them if...you want to improve the quality of life for highly marginalized communities.
Learn more at http://www.kiva.org/partners/404
Emergency Relief & Development Overseas (ERDO)
The Democratic Republic of Congo
Improving Small, Female-Run Enterprises
Who are they?
Founded by Canada-based Christian organization ERDO, the Wezesha Project offers a single group loan product designed to help clients develop business skills into sustainable businesses. The program works exclusively with women in the severely underserved region of South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Wesheza Project further empowers its borrowers by assisting the borrowers in opening a savings account with a local cooperative.
You'll love them if...you're a fan of innovative MFI initiatives and want to help regions suffering from instability.
Learn more at http://www.kiva.org/partners/377
MicroLoan Foundation (MLF) Malawi
Providing Entrepreneurial Training and Loans to Women
Who are they?
MicroLoan Foundation Malawi is a MFI that provides loans to groups of 10 to 25 women in rural areas. The organization couples their agricultural, solar, and business starter loans with training that covers essential financial knowledge and technical skills.
You'll love them if...you believe in the potential of women as small businesses owners!
Learn more at http://www.kiva.org/partners/381
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