Every day, Kiva’s work is made possible by nearly 400 Review and Translation Program volunteers who graciously donate their time and skills to to translate loans from Kiva’s five key languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian, and Portuguese. Thanks to our volunteers, lenders and borrowers around the world are able to connect through Kiva and help each other build better lives together.
This past quarter we were fortunate to get to know Katie, Laurie, and Marcia, three very interesting women, and learn more about what motivates them to help people through volunteering with Kiva. We are incredibly thankful to all of our volunteers, without whom Kiva could not do what we do. An extra big thank you goes out to our wonderful Volunteers of the Month!

Katie Bradshaw
Kiva Volunteer of the Month, July 2016
“I want to be a part of the solution!”
City: Scottsbluff, Nebraska
Language: English
Team: Only the Loanly
Time with Kiva: 2 year, 7 month
Outstanding Contributions to Kiva: Katie is an extremely active contributor on the Volunteer Forum. She has helped over 1,290 borrowers get the chance to fund their loans since December 2014.

Laurie Hiller
Kiva Volunteer of the Month, August 2016
“The idea that such a small loan can make a difference and enable a mother to keep her child is incredible to me.”
City: Mazatlan, Mexico
Language: Spanish
Team: Saliendo Adelante
Time with Kiva: 1 year, 1 month
Outstanding Contributions to Kiva: Laurie’s passion for giving back to her community shines through in her contribution to Kiva. So far Laurie has translated over 1,300 loans! Thanks to volunteers like Laurie, lenders all over the world can make loans to help improve a borrower’s life.

Marcia Margolis
Kiva Volunteer of the Month, September 2016
“I feel rewarded to be able to do whatever my small part can be in helping people improve their lives.”
City: Lawrenceville, NJ
Language: Portuguese & Spanish
Team: Latino Linguists
Time with Kiva: 3 years
Outstanding Contributions to Kiva: Marcia is an extraordinary volunteer who is sure to contribute not only as a top performing translator, but also on the Volunteer Forum. She demonstrated her passion for language recently when she added Portuguese loan review on top of her Spanish.
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