Leidiana Noralma
A loan of $2,150 helps to buy clothing, footwear, perfume, jewelry, lotions, notebooks, pens, bags, paper and other school supplies.Read more
Freddy Wilian
A loan of $2,150 helps to buy parts he needs for his pick-up truck so he can offer better service.Read more
Luz Margarita
A loan of $775 helps to buy a variety of fabrics and pay for electricity, the maintenance of her sewing machines, and other expenses.Read more
Briggitte Mishell
A loan of $1,100 helps to purchase shirts, pitchers, caps, and other products for her printing work.Read more
Maria Veronica
A loan of $675 helps to buy shapewear, underwear, perfume, costume jewelry, shampoo, deodorant, bras, undershirts, and make-up, etc.Read more
Maikel Jesus
A loan of $800 helps to buy drills, hammers, screwdrivers, locks, padlocks, lamps, spotlights, cables, switches, cement, rods, etc.Read more
Sergia Fidelina
A loan of $850 helps to buy sports clothes, pajamas, t-shirts, shorts, shirts, jeans, dresses, robes, leggings, etc.Read more
Esteban Mateus
A loan of $1,325 helps to buy replacement parts for home appliances as well as tools that he lacks.Read more
344 loans